You’ll have to set up your wallpaper again, reconnect your Bluetooth devices, reenter your Wi-Fi passwords, and more. It’ll be as if you were opening the app for the very first time. This reset restores everything in the Settings app to the factory defaults. If your iPhone’s screen is still too dim, go to Settings -> General -> Transfer Or Reset iPhone -> Reset -> Reset All Settings. to eliminate the possibility that something in the Settings app is causing your iPhone’s screen to be too dark. If you recently used the Zoom feature in Settings -> Accessibility -> Zoom and left it on accidentally, it may be the reason why your iPhone screen is too dark! Using the Zoom setting, you can actually make the iPhone display darker than you’re able to with the Brightness slider. If you plan to turn off Auto-Brightness anyway, check out our other article for several iPhone battery-saving tips. Keep in mind that turning off Auto-Brightness can make your iPhone’s battery drain faster. To turn off Auto-Brightness, open Settings and tap Accessibility -> Display & Text Size and turn off the switch next to Auto-Brightness. Sometimes this setting can be a bit unhelpful as it’ll adjust the brightness to a level that’s too bright or too dark. Your iPhone has an Auto-Brightness setting automatically adjusts the brightness of the screen to give you the most ideal level based on surrounding light. More Troubleshooting For Dark iPhone Displays 1. The brightness level of your screen should then return to normal. If the setting is turned on (the slider is green), turn it off by tapping the slider to the right of the option. Look at the bottom of your screen and find the option labeled Reduce White Point.My iPhone Is Too Dark But Brightness Is All The Way Up! Here’s The Fix: Problems occur when Accessibility settings get turned on accidentally or by a mischievous friend. Accessibility settings are designed to make it easier for someone with a disability to use their iPhone. Reduce White Point is an Accessibility setting on iPhones that reduces harsh colors and makes your the screen noticeably dimmer. If your iPhone is still too dark, it’s time to look at a new setting that Apple introduced with iOS 10: Reduce White Point. Drag the slider under Brightness to the right to increase the brightness of your iPhone. Open Settings and tap Display & Brightness. You can also adjust display brightness in Settings.

If you have an iPhone 8 or older, swipe up from the very bottom of the screen. Look for the vertical brightness slider and slide one finger up to increase the brightness of your iPhone. If you have an iPhone X or newer, swipe down from the upper right-hand corner of the screen. You can adjust the brightness of your iPhone in Control Center.
Note: If you can’t see anything on your iPhone’s display, check out our article called My iPhone Screen Is Black! to learn how to fix it.